The Metabolism of Albania

The book The Metabolism of Albania clusters the results of an intensive trajectory of data research and analysis, field trips, mapping, workshops, presentations and lectures, and research by design, supervised by iabr/UP and 51N4E and with essential input from the Chair of Landscape Architecture of Delft University of Technology, the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, and the design office .FABRIC, in close collaboration with the National Territorial Planning Agency of Albania (AKPT) and many other Albanian partners.
For more information, click here

The Metabolism of Albania: Activating the Potential of the Albanian Territory
George Brugmans, Marieke Francke, Freek Persyn (ed)

with contributions from George Brugmans, Freek Persyn, Sotiria Kornaropoulou, Jan Wilbers, Olv Klijn, Eric Frijters and Dirk Sijmons

2015, iabr/UP, Rotterdam
ISBN: 978-90-809572-8-2
full color, 231 pages

€ 12,50 (plus handling and postage)
directly available from IABR

The Metabolism of Albania

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