A Good City Has Industry, in BOZAR Brussels

The exhibition A Good City Has Industry, building on the results of the IABR–Atelier Brussels Productive Metropolis and presented in BOZAR/Center for Fine Arts in Brussels, is open to the public until Sunday, January 15, 2017.
The Atelier was set up by Flemish and Brussels actors in association with the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam and Architecture Workroom Brussels.

Connected to the exhibition, an extensive program of debates, lectures and master classes is organized. For more information click here.

A Good City Has Industry

pictures: Bas Bogaerts

Most European cities convert their former industrial areas into residential districts with shops and offices. They push productive activities ever further away from the city. The Brussels-Capital Region has opted for a different strategy. Industry is afforded a prominent position in the urban project for the Canal Zone. Flanders is also looking for tools to anchor the economy of tomorrow in the city of today.

Models and drawings illustrate the design research that designers developed along with public and private actors. Specific practical examples provide opportunities and strategies for a city that reconciles living and working, and that makes room for an economy that is inclusive and circular.

Partners: Brussels Hoofstedelijk Gewest, OVAM, Ruimte Vlaanderen, the Province of Vlaams-Brabant / POM, bMa Brusselse Bouwmeester, IABR, BOZAR Architecture and A+

With contributions of a.o. Mark Brearley (CASS Cities, London), Plusoffice Architects/ WRKSHP collectif, CENTRAL/ Eva le Roi/ Maxime Delvaux, URA architecten, Spacelab.be, .Fabric/ ULB (LoUIsE and BATir) / Circle Economy, and Bas Bogaerts

Scenography: 51n4e
Design: Ward Heirwegh

For more information on dates and location, click here