
The CATALOG of IABR−2014−URBAN BY NATURE− can be ordered directly from IABR. The price is € 19,50 plus postage. Click here →

The catalog of the 6th edition of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam contains a detailed description of the exhibition URBAN BY NATURE– and of all of the projects that are part of it.
Dirk Sijmons contributes an introduction to the theme and introduces the different sections of the exhibition. The work process and results of the three IABR–Project Ateliers are highlighted. Other contributions are by Ahmed Aboutaleb, Yves de Boer, George Brugmans, Johan van de Gronden, Maarten Hajer, Eric Hercules, Henk Ovink, Jelle Reumer, Piet Vollaard and Charles Waldheim.

Catalog IABR–2014

Edited by
George Brugmans and Jolanda Strien

Year: 2014
Publisher: IABR
Price: €19,50 (incl. VAT)
Pages: 272
Width: 17cm
Height: 24cm
Print: full colour + PMS
ISBN Engels:978-90-809572-6-8

The Catalog was designed by LUST, and is internationally distributed by Idea Books