
2050 - An Energetic Odyssey

picture: Hans Tak

IABR–2016 presents the results of three IABR–Ateliers in the Netherlands – in Groningen, Utrecht and Rotterdam, and two Ateliers abroad – in Brussels and Albania: the outcome of more than two years of research by design under the auspices of IABR director George Brugmans and program manager Marieke Francke.
Chief curator Maarten Hajer and IABR–2014 curator Dirk Sijmons teamed up and directed a condesned Atelier to map and visualize the potential for and implications of large-scale production of wind energy on the North Sea.

The city of São Paulo, the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, the Port of Rotterdam, and the Board of Government Advisors developed projects specifically for IABR–2016–THE NEXT ECONOMY.

Chief curator Maarten Hajer invited South-Africans Edgar Pieterse, Mark Swilling, and Tau Tavengwa to make a special selection of projects that provide perspectives on the urbanization process in Africa and on the challenges the African city faces in the Next Economy.
Hajer asked Yang Lei of the China Building Centre to select projects that show the engagement of designers, despite the harsh real estate economy of Chinese cities

For its 7th edition, the IABR once again issued a global Call for Projects. From among nearly 300 submissions, the Curator Team selected 23 best practices that present possible and realistic solutions and thus explore the road to the Next Economy.

For a complete list of all projects, please download the PDF