
IABR–2016 owes its fortunes to active and generous contributions from many participants and partners. Once again, the result of collaboration is much more than the sum of its parts.
In particular, we would like to thank our main partners, the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, the City of Rotterdam, and the Creative Industries Fund, without whom there would be no IABR.
We also thank our other partners, the Ministries of Economic Affairs, Foreign Affairs and Infrastructure and the Environment; the municipalities of Rotterdam, Utrecht and Groningen; the province of Groningen; the Brussels Capital Region, the province of Vlaams Brabant, Ruimte Vlaanderen and OVAM; the Strategic Office of the Prime-Minister, the Ministry of Urban Development and the National Planning Office of Albania; the companies Van Oord, Shell, TenneT, Zeeland Seaports, RWE, Port of Rotterdam, Port of Amsterdam, and Heijmans; the European Climate Foundation, Natuur & Milieu, the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, the Dutch Board of Government Advisors, the São Paolo Secretariat of Urban Development, MVO CSR Netherlands, BankGiro Lottery, and Rotterdam Festivals.

Along with all of the other participants in IABR–2016, these partners have unconditionally contributed their knowledge, information, time, brainpower, networks, ideas, projects, and/or financial resources.