You Are Here is the Brussels program of exhibitions, urban debates and work sessions as part of ABR–2018+2020–THE MISSING LINK. Starting on June 2, the Brussels World Trade Center and its vacant shopping center will be transformed into a platform and workspace. You Are Here will provide space and time to administrations, companies, citizens, community initiatives and others. And offer inspiration by and support from designers and experts, when working on the greatest challenge of our time: how do we change the way we live, work and move from place to place so that we can genuinely realize the climate targets?
Via exhibitions, public debates and working sessions we will embark on a quest for effective breakthroughs and specific spatial transformations. The WTC will become the test site and open workspace for the future of the Noordwijk, the city, the Delta of the Low Countries and by extension, the world. The WTC as a World Transformation Center that helps translate the ambitious goals into actual changes on the ground: This is where the future becomes realistic.
Three exhibitions
The ambition to make room for the future is translated into the organization of the exhibitions and the related program.
On the first floor, visitors enter The Future is Not Realistic, to be immersed, in the double-height lobby of a former bank, in a sound installation that makes The Missing Link palpable and tangible.
A second exhibition, The Future is a Practice, presents twenty distinct projects by designers, thinkers and doers from the Netherlands and Belgium. Together they demonstrate that today we already possess insights and methods to take one step further on the road towards realizing ambitious goals for the future through actual transformations of cities and landscapes. By bringing them together in one space this exhibition illustrates the joint insights and power of these spatial practices. They make the future conceivable: something that is no longer unknown, but something we can yearn for.
This power and longing are necessary preconditions for conceiving effective solutions. They drive the program presented on the 23rd floor, where the ‘workspace’ is situated. Against the backdrop of a breathtaking panoramic view of Brussels, The Future is Here makes space, literally and figuratively, for fifteen specific social change projects from Brussels, Flanders and the Delta of the Low Countries. Starting on June 2, this is where steps towards actual transformations will be advanced and visualized, together with over 400 actors, for the latter to subsequently continue on the path to achieve their goal, back at their own location.
This is where the future becomes realistic.
design: AWB
You Are Here
June 2 – July 8
open from Wednesday through Sunday from 1 till 6 pm, and on Thursday from 1 till 9 pm
Koning Albert II-laan 28-30
1000 Brussels