Where is the public domain in Rotterdam-South? What do these places typically look like in this part of the city? Where do people like to go, what makes them feel at home and which places are they proud of? These might be squares, streets and parks, but also shopping street, bars, theaters, gyms and sporting grounds, churches, bus stations, festival locations and even office parks that offer a wide range of activities.
The Map of Rotterdam-South, on display in the exhibition space of IABR–2016, shows these places. Some places have been designated as public domain, yet are still in development. Other places may become new public domain when brought to life by initiatives of residents, entrepreneurs and associations.
You are asked, individually or as a group, as a resident, community, entrepreneur, architect or urban designer, to propose ideas about what should or could be done to turn these places into new public domain in Rotterdam-South.
All necessary information can be downloaded here
Submission of your idea, sketch, drawing, model, is possible in two ways;
- send your proposal as a PDF to our mailbox no later that June 25
- hand in your proposal at the box office of IABR–2016 in the Fenixloods II, (Paul Nijghkade 19, Rotterdam) on June 25 between 12 and 2 PM.
All submitted proposals will be included and commented in an advice of the initiators, Els Bet, Han Meyer and Arnold Reijndorp, and the chief curator of IABR–2016, Maarten Hajer. The advice will be delivered to the Department of Urban Planning of the City of Rotterdam, and will be discussed in a public meeting on Sunday 3 July, in the exhibition space, and prior to the final debate of IABR–2016. For more info, click here.
Concept and design: Han Meyer, Arnold Reijndorp, Els Bet, Maarten Wamsteeker, Krkj