IABR–Atelier East Flanders Core Region

population growth as leverage for sustainable spatial development

The East Flanders Region comprises a network of cities and municipalities around Ghent. Expectations are that by 2050, the population of the area will have grown by 15 to 25 percent – an extra 100,000 to 160,000 people. To accommodate this growth the area needs more dwellings, work spaces and facilities.

Image: Architecture Workroom

The Province of East Flanders wants to use its space in a more intelligent and versatile way to realize a climate-friendly and high-quality living environment by 2050. Both the Province of East Flanders and the IABR subscribe to the need to go beyond the ‘experiment’ and really focus on operationalization and actual change. Therefore, the Atelier will examine and test on site how population growth can create opportunities for the sustainable spatial development of the East Flanders Region. How can the demographic growth of the region be seen as an opportunity, as a lever for development, and used to shape the necessary transitions in the field of open space, accessibility, economy and energy?

East Flemish Core Region

picture: IABR–Atelier OVK

The IABR–Atelier East Flanders Core Region is a collaboration of the IABR and the Province of East Flanders (BE). Its Lead Designer is Joachim Declerck (Architecture Workroom Brussels)