© Maarten Laupman
The mainstay of the research and development trajectory of IABR–2014–URBAN BY NATURE– are the three IABR–Project Ateliers that the IABR has set up in collaboration with the municipalities of Texel and Rotterdam and with the province of North Brabant (in collaboration with the municipalities of Eindhoven, Tilburg, Breda, Helmond en 's Hertogenbosch, and with Brabant's water boards , in direct response to concrete and existing spatial challenges.
The results of the three ateliers are the anchor points of the main exhibition. In the exhibition A PLANET CULTIVATED, that highlights the relation between urbanization and nature, Planet Texel takes prominent place. THE URBAN METABOLISM features the results of the Project Atelier Rotterdam, the first synthesis of the metabolism approach. And STRATEGIES FOR THE URBAN LANDSCAPE shows the results of the Project Atelier BrabantStad.