
May, 2014
17:00 - 18:30
May, 2014
17:00 - 18:30


Cities without Ground

Hong Kong is a city without ground. Public life here takes place on the numerous foot bridges and in underpasses, huge shopping malls, corporate lobbies, railway stations, and other nodes, rather than on the ground, in the streets, or on the sidewalks. Within the context of the ´Cities without Ground´ project, selected for the main exhibition of IABR–2014–, Adam Frampton and Jonathan Solomon discuss their guidebook to Hong Kong, ‘Cities Without Ground´, and the implications of that city's unique urbanism on the future of public space.

language: English
admission is free

IABR–2014–project #65: Cities without Ground (Frampton & Solomon & Wong) - Hong Kong

© Frampton & Solomon & Wong