
Jun, 2014
Jun, 2014

Expedition Underground 2

Maastunnel and OWB Museumpark

Rotterdam Public Works

Let us take you to Rotterdam’s underground. Meet the unknown, dark side of the city and be informed by the operators of public works. On Saturday, June 21, you can wander into the depths of the Maastunnel and take a look at areas like the control room, ground tunnel and the fans hall. The expedition will be continued by a visit to the underground water storage (OWB) of the Museumpark. This water retention can store up to 10.000 m³, representing half of the storage capacity of the sewer in the center. Hint: Conclude your tour with a visit to the Kunsthal Rotterdam, where the underground has its very own chapter in the exhibition URBAN BY NATURE–.

The expedition starts at the Maastunnel, the route will be continued on foot.

Group 1: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Group 2: 1 p.m. – 3.30 p.m

Group 1 meets at the Maastunnel no later than 10 a.m. Address: Parkkade 30 - Escalators Building North (just past the Euromast, in the direction of the Nieuwe Maas)

Group 2 meets at the Maastunnel no later dan 1 p.m. Address: Parkkade 30 - Escalators Building North (just past the Euromast, in the direction of the Nieuwe Maas)

Not suitable for children under 12 year and those with physical limitations.
Language: Dutch (an English expedition is provided on 14 June)

Admission is free, registration required at: beheerondergrondgw@rotterdam.nl
Please indicate the date and group number at your registration.

Underground Water Storage Museumpark Rotterdam

© Jannes Linders