
In the context of the eponymous presentation of eight urban delta regions in the IABR–2014– main exhibition, scientists and designers will address the existing threats and opportunities in various delta regions. Their aim is to realize an exchange of knowledge in the field of measures and spatial strategies: knowledge that can help link the indispensable long-term development of delta water systems facing climate change to short-term plans for urban and nature development.
At the symposium, hosted by Urbanism TU Delft, new theoretical insights and (related) new design concepts and spatial strategies will be presented and discussed.


09:00 Registration and coffee
09:30 Welcome and introduction, Han Meyer, TU Delft

Sessie I: Understanding deltas in transition
10:00 Steffen Nijhuis, TU Delft
10:30 Richard Campanella, Tulane University, New Orleans

11:00 Break

Sessie II: Designing deltas in transition

11:15 Frits Palmboom, TU Delft
11:45 Diego Sepulveda Carmona, TU Delft, Wolbert van Dijk, Rotterdam

12:15 Tom Colbert, University of Houston

13:00 Lunch

13:45 Joao Pedro Costa, University of Lisbon
14:30 Bruno De Meulder, Catholic University of Leuven

15:15 Break

Sessie III Discussion

15:30 Reflections, Peter Bosselmann, University of California, Berkeley, Bas Jonkman, TU Delft
16:00 Debate

17:00 Closure and Drinks

language: English
for more information please visit www.tudelft.nl
free admission, please sign up via l.h.i.devos@tudelft.nl