
Jun, 2016
16:00 - 17:00
Jun, 2016
16:00 - 17:00

Innovation Hubs

building blocks for the city

Rotterdam Partners

A public debate about the spatial implications of innovation in the Next Economy; the role of innovation hubs in the city; and the blurring of borders between disciplines –a precondition for innovation; between settings –whether buildings or organizations; and between cities. Take Rotterdam: YesDelft is as much part of its innovation ecosystem as Cambridge Innovation Center CIC) or Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship.

With Winy Maas (MVRDV, Designer of ‘The Stairs to Kriterion’), Marcus Fernhout (managing director Cambridge Innovation Center), Pieter Guldemond (managing director of YesDelft and former Vice Mayor of Delft), and Daan Zandbelt (De Zwarte Hond, Rotterdam, and Lead Designer of the IABR–Atelier, Rotterdam: The Productive City.
Moderator is Job Nijs (The Venture Generator)

The debate will take place on June 9, 4 till 5pm, in Kriterion, at the top of the Stairs in the Groot Handelsgebouw, during the Thursday Gathering of Venture Cafe. Entrance is free, but registration is required: click here