Eight work groups selected from among the entries to the IABR–2018+2020–Call for Practices together form the Delta Atelier. During the biennale, eight thematic work sessions will take place in Rotterdam. One of them will focus on Biodiversity and Water, one of the research lines put forward in our Research Agenda.
Leo Van Broeck and Joachim Declerck, co-curators of the double feature IABR–2018+2020–THE MISSING LINK, are the moderators of this work group.
The work sessions of the Delta Atelier kick off a three-year work cycle in which more than 40 practices from Belgium and the Netherlands will work together proactively to close the gap we have named The Missing Link. The work of the practices, their work materials and methods, will be on show in the eight Transition Chambers presented in the main exhibition in Rotterdam.
The Delta Atelier has been established by the IABR and Architecture Workroom Brussels, in collaboration with the Dutch and Flemish Government Architects.
location: HAKA Building
date: June 27
time: 9:30 am - 7 pm