
Jun, 2018
12:30 - 14:00
Jun, 2018
12:30 - 14:00

High Noon: Student Housing in Rotterdam Zuid

Rotterdam University of Applied Science + IABR

Every weekday, starting at 12:30 hours, it's High Noon at the biennale.

First-year students of the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences’ Spatial Development and Planning program will participate in a closed workshop at the HAKAfé this morning and present the results later today.
During the work session, which rounds off the subject Feasibility in Area Development, students will apply acquired knowledge to explore the feasibility of realizing affordable student accommodations in Rotterdam Zuid.

Subsequently, at today’s High Noon, the students will explain to the audience how they think studying – like living, working, and recreating – can be optimally integrated in the city and why only a city in which all of these activities are integrated can be truly resilient.

location: HAKA Building
date: June 6
time: 12:30 - 2 pm
language: Dutch