
Jul, 2018
14:00 - 16:30
Jul, 2018
14:00 - 16:30

Test Site M4H+ Bike Tours #06

Urban Guides and IABR

The HAKA Building is not only the location of the main exhibition of the IABR–2018+2020–THE MISSING LINK, but also the temporary headquarters of IABR–Test Site M4H+, in which the IABR, the City of Rotterdam and the Rotterdam Makers District, together with local stakeholders, will design and test plans for circular area development.

Urban Guides

picture: Parfum de Boemboem

Together with Urban Guides, the IABR developed a special Test Site M4H+ Bicycle Tour.Visitors can discover how the area functions as a testing ground and showcase for the solutions that are necessary to optimally integrate the space that the old port economy ‘leaves behind’ in what is to become the resilient Rotterdam of the future. Join Urban Guides and discover how the transition from active industrial port to innovative ‘makers district’ creates opportunities to experiment with the future we can want for Rotterdam. Look over the dike towards Bospolder-Tussendijken as well, where the IABR–Atelier Rotterdam is testing the energy-neighborhood concept together with the City of Rotterdam, housing association Havensteder and the Delfshaven Coöperatie.

TEst Site M4H+ bicycle tour

picture: Hans Tak

starting point: HAKA Building
date: July 6
time: 2 - 4:30 pm
language: Dutch, English on request