On 1 June 2018, the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam will launch its eighth edition, part one of IABR–2018+2020–THE MISSING LINK, in one go in two cities: Rotterdam and Brussels.
In Rotterdam, the main exhibition is on show in the HAKA Building, a national monument in the Merwede-Vierhaven area (M4H), until 8 July 2018. In Brussels, the IABR will partner with Architecture Workroom Brussels for an exhibition at the World Trade Center, open until 30 September 2018.

HAKA building

Arguing that spatial design is crucial leverage, the IABR–2018+2020–THE MISSING LINK raises the question of how we can effectively realize the urgent acceleration and scaling of the transition to a resilient future, initially with a focus on the Delta of the Low Lands.
The 2018 work biennale will concentrate on research, exchange, debate, and brainstorming. The work will continue across 2019, and the results will be presented in 2020.

The press release can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.