
Jun, 2014
10:00 - 14:30
Jun, 2014
10:00 - 14:30


Provincie Noord-Brabant

How can the strengths and qualities of the Brabant Mosaic Metropolis be optimized to realize its ambition to become and remain a top knowledge and innovation region? And how can that be done in concurrence with current principles about the appropriation of social energy?
On BrabantStad+ Day, these and other questions will be discussed. The focus will be on the results of research by design performed in the context of the IABR–Project Atelier BrabantStad.

BrabantStad+ Day is the next step in Braband(Stad)’s participation in the IABR, and brings it closer to achieving its goal of developing new approach methods and policy, and advancing the debate on the future of Brabant(Stad).

language: Dutch
free admission, please sign up via ywijns@brabant.nl