
Jul, 2014
19:30 - 21:30
Jul, 2014
19:30 - 21:30


Klikkesbaus and The Social Innovation Foundation

During the IABR–2014–URBAN BY NATURE, at the first pod peanut platform, the connection between nature and architecture will be investigated and unravelled on the basis of two narratives: ‘Architecture Follows Nature’ and ‘Nature Meets Architecture’.

Ilaria Mazzoleni (IMStudios, Milan/Los Angeles) addresses the first theme. In her book, recently published, Architecture Follows Nature: Biomimetic Principles for Innovative Design (CRC Press), innovative solutions are found for building envelopes by the imitation of tactics from the animal kingdom (biomimesis).

Huib van Zeijl en Daniëlle Segers (Équipe architects, Amsterdam) address the theme ‘Nature Meets Architecture’. Their extension for the Helvoirt Groenprojecten ‘Proyecto Roble’ has been, amongst others, winner of the BNA Building of the Year Award (2013) as well as the ARC12 Price of Architecture (2012). A very special and sustainable project, embedded in the environmental context and built in an innovative collaboration. ‘Green’ (ecological) energy is generated locally, and during the entire project, and lots of thinking has gone into how to dismantable buildings and accountably use materials. Artifical light is practically redundant and the bio-rhythm of people is the central issue.

Manou Huijbregts (HP architecten, Rotterdam) will be the moderator.

language: English
entrance is free, please sign up via www.pelpindapodium.nl

Erasmus Centre for Entrepeurship
Rotterdam Science Tower (number IV)
Marconistraat 16, 11th floor
3029 AK Rotterdam

Proyecto Roble