
Housing is and remains one of the most controversial issues when it comes to the future of the city. Urbanization is growing. That means that there are more and more people who need affordable, good housing in the city. Society is also changing. Dynamic processes such as migration, ageing, growing populations, changing family patterns, and changing living and working situations, all demand changes in how and where we live. In recent years, many innovative policy initiatives and (pilot) projects have been launched to address the urgencies and challenges in terms of living in a qualitative manner. Special attention was given to assisted living and forms of collective housing. There are many lessons to be drawn from this. At the same time, it remains necessary to keep looking ahead and actively seek visionary alternatives that provide an answer to the many challenges of living in the future.

Keynote by Kristien Ring (AA Projects).
Debate with Kristien Ring, Helmer Rooze (transition manager ‘Smart Living’), Michiel Dehaene (professor Urbanism, University of Ghent) and Brecht Nuyttens (the City of Kortrijk – TBC). The debate will be moderated by Joachim Declerck (AWB).

Time: 19.00 - 21.00
Location: Atelier Flemish Government Architect, Ravensteingalerij 54-59, Brussels
Language: Dutch and English
Admission: free. Register via this link.

Designing the Future sessions
This debate is part of the debates program Designing the Future and is organized by AWB and IABR, with the Flemish Government Architect, the Flemish Association for Spatial Planning and the Brussels Government Architect.

Various global and local challenges present themselves increasingly as complex spatial issues: energy transition, the socialization of health care, sustainable mobility, and others. This has resulted in a renewed belief in the potential of design based on the assumption that it can help us realize the future that we want. At this point in time, there is a need to merge the knowledge, insights and experiences that have been produced. What are the lessons learned? And more importantly, what are the next steps? How can we translate intentions into practice? How and with whom do we start? The Designing the Future sessions are devoted to the development of a shared agenda for designing a better future.