
May, 2016
09:00 - 17:30
May, 2016
09:00 - 17:30

Sustainable Urban Deltas

Working on the Urban Agenda

Kingdom of the Netherlands, Delta Coaltion + IABR

On Monday 9 May, the platform of IABR–2016–THE NEXT ECONOMY presents the international conference SUSTAINABLE URBAN DELTAS that is organized as part of the official program of the Delta Coalition, a new alliance of 12 countries that, despite all of the existing international consultative structures and conventions, have come together over a shared agenda they want to implement.
The Netherlands currently chairs the Delta Coalition. Its first official high (administrative) level meeting will be held in Rotterdam on 10 May. That is why on 9 May, the national government and IABR bring government officials and professionals from around the world together for SUSTAINABLE URBAN DELTAS. How can we make the urban deltas of tomorrow more inclusive, sustainable, productive, and livable? How can we make our delta cities physically and socially resilient for all citizens?

With keynotes from a.o. Adriaan Geuze (Director West 8 Urban Design and Landscape Architecture, and curator of the 2nd IABR, The Flood), Maarten Hajer (chief curator IABR–2016–THE NEXT ECONOMY) and Edgar Pieterse (director African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town).

Master of Ceremonies is Henk Ovink (Dutch Special Envoy for International Water Affairs).

There are four parallel breakout sessions in the afternoon. Risk & Resilience, by Matthijs Bouw (One Architecture), The Urban Metabolisme, by Eric Frijters (.FABRIC), Blue Space: Mobilizing Territories and Coalitions, by Joachim Declerck (Architecture Workroom Brussels) en Balancing Economic, Ecological and Social Agendas, by Florian Boer (De Urbanisten) and Tim Peeters (ZUS).

For the Conference Report, click here.

MONDAY MAY 9 May 2016
Time: 09:00 – 17.30 followed by a networking drink
Location: Fenixloods II, Paul Nijghkade 19, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Language: English
Entrance: registration via e-mail: deltacoalitie@iabr.nl

We live in an urbanized world. More and more people move to cities every day in search of a better and more productive life. The rapid and ongoing urbanization puts an enormous stress on our urban landscape, and urban deltas are among the most vulnerable areas in the world. How can we make future deltas inclusive, sustainable productive, resilient, and livable for everyone? How does this complex challenge affect work in the field? How can we transform ideas, recommendations, and policy into alliances, programs, and projects? What new strategies, methods, and development models can effectively contribute to these major transitions? The international conference SUSTAINABLE URBAN DELTAS calls together governments and professionals from all over the world who share a commitment to make tomorrow’s urban deltas more inclusive, sustainable, productive, and livable for all citizens. SUSTAINABLE URBAN DELTAS invites them to participate and contribute to cutting edge solutions, and to be inspired by realized projects.

SUSTAINABLE URBAN DELTAS is part of the official program of the Delta Coalition gathering in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and takes place at the venue of the seventh edition of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam IABR–2016–THE NEXT ECONOMY.

SUSTAINABLE URBAN DELTAS is organized by the IABR, the Dutch National Government and the Delta Coalition and is part of the official program of the Delta Coalition on 9 and 10 May in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.