On the 8th of June, an expert meeting will take place at IABR–2016 as part of En Passant: KIOSK, a research conducted by kioskologists Jacques Beljaars and Thomas Rouw in collaboration with Urban Sociology students from the University of Amsterdam. In this semi-closed meeting a limited number of experts in architecture, urban development, urban economy and urban sociology will be brought together to discuss and deliberate on ‘The Next Economy’ from the viewpoint of the kiosk.
As a small freestanding vending booth, the kiosk provides a meaningful contribution to the quality of public space. The kiosk invites passers-by to slow down, to stay and eat in the public domain, to meet with acquaintances and with strangers. It means trade and animation. The entrepreneurs as Public Characters who know their customers well, act as ‘eyes on the street’ and thus improve safety and the quality of life in the city. The kiosk provides human proportions to the build environment and the informal, sometimes even ludic architectonic experiments with anarchistic aesthetics, are a visual relieve amidst the fashionable sleek and slick designed street facades. At last, as a mini-enterprise, the kiosk is an often easy accessible and stable employer, which contributes in a sustainable way to the urban economy.
Within social trends such as the changing composition of the urban population, ‘festivalisation' of public space, civic initiatives and a growing independent and creative entrepreneurship, how can the kiosk act as representative of the Next Economy?
Those interested in participation as an expert can send a short cv and a small letter of motivation no later than may 25th to info@enpassantkiosk.nl. Due to the small number of experts required not all of those interested can actually participate. A selection will be made based on a balanced representation of the various disciplines.
The expert meeting is part of a three-part program of En Passant: KIOSK at the IABR–2016. A public lecture and a guided bike tour through Rotterdam complete the kiosk-program at the IABR 2016.
Time: 1 - 3.30 p.m.
Location: Fenixloods II, Paul Nijghkade 19, Rotterdam
Language: Dutch
Moderators: Jacques Beljaars & Thomas Rouw
Participation: Open to selected participants of the expert meeting
For more information on the expert meeting, please visit enpassantkiosk.nl