
IABR–2016–THE NEXT ECONOMY presents us with a number of challenges when claiming that the urban economies of the future need to be inclusive, productive and circular. Cities do have ambitions, but how can these be translated into (spatial) strategies? What does cerating new narratives of the circular, healthy and productive city mean for spatial planning and design? Is the current paradigm of a decentralized and bottom up development successful, or do we need new approaches to spatial planning and governance and innovative alternative design practices?

with Henk Ovink (Special Envoy for International Water Affairs), Jeroen de Willigen (Chief Architect Municipality of Groningen, partner De Zwarte Hond), Ivonne de Nood (Manager Spatial Development Oosterwold, Almere), Steven Delva (Buiksloterham, Buiksloterham, DELVA Landscape Architects / Urbanism) and Martijn Duinveld (Wageningen University).

Time: 7.30 - 9 p.m.
Location: Fenixloods II, Paul Nijghkade 19, Rotterdam
Language: Dutch
Admission fee: none
A reservation in advance is highly recommendable and can be made here.

On six Tuesday evenings, RUIMTEVOLK and the IABR will highlight the issues raised by the quest for the Next Economy. How do designers, administrators, and professionals, active on the local, regional, national or international scale, tackle the issues the IABR–2016 raised: the energy transition, the healthy city, and the productive city? How can designers contribute to the reduction of the spatial separation between the disadvantaged and the winners, to a more inclusive city? How can design contribute to an urban economy that adds local value and is circular? In short, which are the concrete Next Steps for design, planning, and governance?