
IABR–2016–THE NEXT ECONOMY calls for healthy and inclusive cities. The IABR–Atelier Utrecht has demonstrated that even in cities that seem healthy on the level of the municipality, the difference in life expectancy within the municipality, between neighborhoods, can be surprisingly large. How do we design cities which provide equal life expectancy for all? What are the (spatial) parameters to work with? And what does this require of designers?

With Hetty Linden (Director Public Health, Municipality of Utrecht), Els Vervloesem (Partner Architecture Workroom Brussels), Martin Dijst (Professor Human Geography and Planning, University of Utrecht), Ad de Bont (Urhahn Urban Design and Strategy) and Ton van Rietbergen (Researcher, University of Utrecht).

Time: 7.30 - 9 p.m.
Location: Fenixloods II, Paul Nijghkade 19, Rotterdam
Language: Dutch
Admission fee: none.
A reservation in advance is required and can be made here.

On six Tuesday evenings, RUIMTEVOLK and the IABR will highlight the issues raised by the quest for the Next Economy. How do designers, administrators, and professionals, active on the local, regional, national or international scale, tackle the issues the IABR–2016 raised: the energy transition, the healthy city, and the productive city? How can designers contribute to the reduction of the spatial separation between the disadvantaged and the winners, to a more inclusive city? How can design contribute to an urban economy that adds local value and is circular? In short, which are the concrete Next Steps for design, planning, and governance?