On Thursdays, the Keile Collectief, consisting of Bekkering Adams architecten, GROUP A, De Urbanisten, HP architecten and Nieman adviseurs, will host an event called AANKEILEN! under the auspices of the IABR–2018+2020–THE MISSING LINK.
This is a publicly accessible series of four Thursdays with workshops in the afternoon, and lectures and debates at night, with and about businesses that are based in the Merwe-Vierhavens District with the aim to get a greater understanding of the conditions necessary for a successful transition of the district.
“Aankeilen” means “to address". Each workshop addresses a theme – such as waste/recycling, energy/autarky, water/food and circular development – and will take place on Thursday afternoons. In these workshops, the collective and local businesses will explore the opportunities for future development and examine what the transition from former port area to urban district means to the spatial structure and character of the area. In the evening, guests are invited to address the theme from their own experience and expertise and to discuss this with each other.

picture: Frank Hanswijk
location: Keiletribune on the first floor of the Keilepand at the Keilestraat 7, right in the middle of the M4H district (please note, there is no escalator)
date: June 28
time: 7:30 - 9:30 pm
language: Dutch