
Jun, 2018
10:00 - 12:00
Jun, 2018
10:00 - 12:00

Your granny's granny

Atelier Dutch Chief Government Architect
Your Granny’s Granny, the last in a series of publicly accessible programs by the Atelier Government Architect, is an educational program for grade school pupils that focusses on our shared history. The IABR-2018 + 2020-THE MISSING LINK provides a platform for the final event of this program, which involved teaching discussion techniques to grade school pupils from different classes at three different elementary schools. At the IABR, the pupils will play a special game and enter into an actual debate battle.

Your Granny's Granny

picture: Peter de Krom

location: HAKA Building
date: June 29
time: 10 - 12 am
language: Dutch