
Jul, 2018
10:30 - 17:30
Jul, 2018
10:30 - 17:30

IABR–Atelier East Flanders Core Region

Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen and IABR

‘How can we seize the opportunities created by the demographic growth in the Greater Ghent area to achieve a sustainable, climate-proof and healthy living environment by 2050?’ This question is central in the IABR–Atelier East Flanders Core Region.

East Flemish Core Region

picture: IABR–Atelier OVK

Today, more than ever before, we are stuck in traffic jams, hear worrying news reports about air quality, and ask ourselves questions about concepts such as a potential ban on concrete. By 2050, the Belgian federal planning department predicts, the number of inhabitants in the Greater Ghent area (in the East Flanders Core Region) will have grown by 100,000. This increase shows just how appealing the region is, but it also urges local administrators to consider a different approach. To advance new methods, the Province of East Flanders and the IABR have jointly set up the IABR–Atelier East Flanders Core Region (OVK).

Wednesday 4 July is entirely dedicated to the Atelier OVK.
Architect and urban designer Paola Vigano, who is currently working on an analysis of the region, will present the first results of her work. The meeting will explore how to turn scenarios into regional collaborations and concrete realizations. And the regional demonstration projects, recently initiated by the Atelier, will be reviewed in work sessions together with international experts.

location: HAKA Building
date: July 4
time: 10:30 am - 5:30 pm (doors open 10:00 am)
language: Dutch