
Following the publication of their Appeal to Not Build (Pleidooi voor het niet-bouwen), RE-ST, one of the practices participating in the Delta Atelier, is carrying out research into the (under)use of spaces under the name Stray Space (Zwerfruimte). Flemish Government Architect and IABR–curator Leo Van Broeck awarded the study a so-called ‘Bouwmeester’ label earlier this year.

Stray Space

image: RE-ST

Stray spaces are either built-up or vacant spaces that appear to be beyond the scope of our system. They hide under cover of uses that do not take up all the available space and as a result, people are often unaware of the underuse. RE-ST avails itself of the platform of IABR–2018+2020–THE MISSING LINK to organize a workshop in which colleagues from the discipline will jointly search for strategies to track down and reactivate stray space.

location: HAKA Building
date: June 19
time: 2 - 5 pm
language: Dutch