The Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) has partnered up with the Solar Biennale, an initiative of solar designers Marjan van Aubel and Pauline van Dongen. This collaboration will stimulate the discourse on the spatial consequences of solar design. We are facing an unprecedented transition toward renewable energy in which the design challenges are systemic and on multiple scales, from the domestic interior to redesigning infrastructures.

The Solar Biennale counterbalances the prevailing technological and economic viewpoints on solar energy and focuses on the human angle: after all, a solar-powered world goes beyond scientific research and uniform solar panels. Cultural practices and place-specific energy needs also determine how the post-carbon future will develop.

The IABR has a deep-seated and longstanding interest in the spatial implications and ramifications of climate change and the role that architecture can play: the energy transition we face will have a major impact on our cities.

On 9 September, at the opening symposium of The Solar Biennale, IABR curator Derk Loorbach (DRIFT) will host a breakout session, as will OOZE (Eva Pfannes and Sylvain Hartenberg) and Robbert de Vrieze (Transformism). IABR Director Saskia van Stein will kick off with a lecture.