© Adrian Kuipers
Chair of the Supervisory Board Ed Nijpels: “The Supervisory Board of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) is delighted with the accession of Yvette Govaart. As a passionate real estate professional and entrepreneur, she knows the spatial and social challenges like no other. Themes such as design, feasibility, organisation, circularity and sustainability are at the heart of her practice.”
Yvette Govaart: “My conviction is that we will only find the solutions to the major social challenges if we work together, from different disciplines. This turns out to be very complicated in practice. Not only is old thinking a major obstacle, the economic system must also change. Steering paradigms must shift. Transitional thinking and acting is a precondition for this. The design discipline plays a crucial role in this; not only with regard to the architectural and urban planning craft, but also in terms of organisation and philosophy of cooperation. Government and the private sector are searching for the right role in a changing context. Citizens are increasingly uniting and taking on social tasks. As a cultural and knowledge institute, the IABR has an important task in this arena and I look forward to contributing to it from my role as a member of the Supervisory Board.”
Yvette Govaart replaces departed board member Adri Duivesteijn, to whom the team of the International Architecture Biennale shows gratitude for his many years of commitment and dedication to the IABR.