The debate on the increasing inequalities in our societies is growing, internationally, and also in The Netherlands. The Netherlands has a reputation of having an egalitarian society with mixed neighbourhoods and equall access to housing and jobs for all. However, in recent years this seems to be changing. The higher educated, creatives and (international) investors flourish in cities, whereas for people with lower education and incomes, getting access to housing and jobs in cities is becoming more and more difficult.
In this NextSteps we explore how planning and design can contribute to more inclusive cities. How can we ensure equal access to housing and employment for all citizens? Do the mechanisms of the real estate economy, where capital often is more profitable than labour, demand a strong and proactive government and clear spatial strategies? How can we accommodate production and manufacturing, i.e. employment, in our cities? What role does mobility play? In other words, which spatial strategies can form the basis for a social inclusive city?
With Lucas de Man (Artistic Director Stichting New Heroes), Marieke Berkers (Architectural Historian, Stad Forum) and Josse de Voogd (Researcher space, politics and society).
Time: 7.30 - 9 p.m.
Location: Fenixloods II, Paul Nijghkade 19, Rotterdam
Language: Dutch
Admission fee: none, provided you can produce a valid exhibition ticket.
A reservation in advance is highly recommendable and can be made here.
On six Tuesday evenings, RUIMTEVOLK and the IABR will highlight the issues raised by the quest for the Next Economy. How do designers, administrators, and professionals, active on the local, regional, national or international scale, tackle the issues the IABR–2016 raised: the energy transition, the healthy city, and the productive city? How can designers contribute to the reduction of the spatial separation between the disadvantaged and the winners, to a more inclusive city? How can design contribute to an urban economy that adds local value and is circular? In short, which are the concrete Next Steps for design, planning, and governance?